Find Your Matching Remedy!
Our vibrational remedies serve as a balm for the soul, a testament to the fact that it too requires healing. We should always acknowledge the importance of nourishing our soul, for it is the wellspring from which all things are created.
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Grounding | supplies strength and stability and stabilises emotions
Self-Care | helps bring self-care into action and aligns your goals with your needs.
Self-Worth | supplies the confidence to go after your dreams and desires. It eliminates doubt about yourself and gives inner strength
Strength | supports the personal growth and the needed power to overcome obstacles
Willpower | helps to deal with extremely difficult situations. It gives strength, focus and willpower
Calm | helps to lower nervous tension, anxiety and hyperactivity
Comfort | helps to protect from anxieties and eliminates the feeling of being trapped in a situation
Self-Confidence | brings a feeling of serenity and peace in a time of life changes
Body Image Problems
Self-Worth | helps to embrace all facets of yourself, including weaknesses and limitations. It relieves shyness and helps to find your 'true' self-worth
Self-Confidence | supplies self-confidence and self-esteem and most of all endurance
Silhouette | helps to transform negative pattern in the subconscious and leads to a positive self-caring attitude.
Self-Confidence | supplies courage, self-confidence, self-esteem and most of all endurance. It also helps to trust the 'gut-instinct'
Self-Worth | helps to embrace all facets of yourself, including weaknesses and limitations. It relieves shyness and helps to find your 'true' self-worth
Strength | supports the personal growth and the needed power to overcome obstacles
Communication Issues
Courage | provides support, courage and clarity and helps to face obstacles in life
Joy | encourages to go with the flow and provides a sense of clarity
Self-Worth | relieves shyness and creates confidence to go after your dreams
Comfort | calms the mind and eases confusion by balancing the mental complexion
Harmony | helps to realise that everything is possible. It enhances kindness, gentleness and softness. It supplies a sense of contentment.
Strength | supports personal growth and supplies the needed power to overcome obstacles. It enhances deeper knowing, clarity, faith and expands consciousness
Clarity | creates clear thinking, aids in decision making and balances mental complexion
Comfort | eases confusion and provides a sense of peace and tranquility
Direction | helps to find the direction of life through a clear, focused and balanced mind
Focus | helps to focus on the important things when too much is happening at once
Flexibility | supports flexible and open thinking
Harmony | enhances softness and gentleness towards yourself
Love | helps to accept that ups and downs are a part of life
Reconnection | helps to reconnect to life again
Comfort | provides a sense of peace and tranquility
Courage | provides support, courage and clarity. It helps to face obstacles in life
Fearless | helps to dissolve panic and provides peace of mind
Love | helps to overcome phobias by creating inner harmony and understanding on a deeper level
Protection | protects from negativity and clears hidden fear
Strength | supports personal growth and supplies the needed power to overcome obstacles. It enhances deep inner knowing, clarity and expands consciousness
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Detachment | creates neutrality by balancing the mind and heart. It helps by wounded relationships through seeing a situation from the distance
Forgiveness | gently softens your heart, equipping you with the emotional resilience needed
Harmony | bring kindness, softness and gentleness to the heart with a deeper understanding of a situation
Love | helps to recognise and appreciate the importance of diversity in life
Clarity | enhances flexible thinking, aids decision making by creating mental balance
Harmony | helps especially with irrational frustration. It enhances kindness, softness and gentleness with yourself and others
Purification | helps when you feel stuck patterns of fear, limitations and worries
Strength | helps with trust and faith issues which lead to frustration. It supplies the needed power to overcome obstacles
Joy | provides the fuel that drives the mind to seek a sense of happiness in all aspects of life
Reconnection | helps through the 5 stages of grief by creating a feeling of comfort and sense of peace. It supplies strength and helps to 'reconnect' to life again
Joy | provides the fuel that drives the mind to seek a sense of happiness in all aspects of life
Protection | protects from negative energy in every possible way which allows us to move froward in life
Surrender | helps to ease your mind, allowing you to let go of worries and to open yourself to unlimited possibilities
Willpower | helps in extreme difficult life situation when everything seems to fall apart. It rids of fear and opens the door to new beginnings
Harmony | releases anger, frustration and irritation especially when you struggle with self-love and get irritated by others
Love | helps to recognise and appreciate the importance of diversity in life. It helps when people irritate you
Purification | helps when you feel stuck in patterns of fear, limitations and worries
Lack of Courage
Courage | helps to face obstacles in current life situations
Flexibility |helps to create flexible thinking. It dissolves old belief systems and opens the way to new ones
Self-Confidence | creates courage, self-confidence and a sense of security. It brings a sense of calmness especially in a time of life changes
Lack of Motivation
Inspiration | creates mental clarity, brings new ideas and increases energy levels through eliminating negative thought patterns
Motivation | increases the energy level and helps to find the 'zest' in life again. Its beautiful to use when you feel unmotivated, experiencing procrastination, need afternoon naps, or when every little chore is too much
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Harmony | creates a sense of contentment through activating self-love
Joy | helps to enjoy the pleasures of life again. It encourages socialising by removing fear and anxieties. It creates an ease of mind and attracts laughter into your life
Self-Worth | helps to embrace all facets of yourself, including weakness and limitations. It relieves shyness
Freedom | helps to solve unprocessed hidden issues from the past
Grounding | helps seeing a situation from a different perspective and provides strength and stability
Self-Worth | helps to embrace all facets of yourself, including your weaknesses and limitations. It promotes inner strength and supports a fresh beginning
Detachment | creates a neutral state of being and see a situation from the distance
Grounding | helps seeing a situation from a different perspective
Harmony | promotes forgiveness through activating kindness, gentleness and softness
Protection | eliminates and protects from extreme negativity. It is perfect for difficulties in relationships, including family, friends and work colleagues
Reconnection | helps to let go of a person while creating a state of peace and comfort
Sleeping Difficulties
Sleep Assistant | calms an overactive mind, releases frustration and creates a sense of peace, calmness and tranquility
Teeth Grinding
Calm | helps to calm the mind, relaxes and settles an overactive mind
Travel Ease | helps motion sickness, jet lag but is also supportive for different levels of anxiety during traveling
Focus | supports learning new information by clearing a cloudy mind
Inspiration | will help to bring new ideas to light, especially when working on projects but missing the thrive for it. It re-energises the mind and body
Motivation | increases energy levels and helps to find the 'zest' inf life again
Comfort | creates a peaceful state of being, calms the mind and creates a sense of happiness
Flexibility | creates flexible thinking and a sense of appreciation to be able to move forward
Grounding | helps seeing a situation from a different perspective and provides stability
Surrender | helps to let go of issues by easing your mind and helps to make space for solutions. It releases anger and frustration and helps to clear obstacles out of your way